AJNE was represented in the Second Meeting of the Global Judicial Institute for the Environment (GJIE) by Justice I Gusti Agung Sumanatha of the Supreme Court of Indonesia, Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, and Senior Judge Zhang Hua of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China. The event was supported by ADB and organized by the World Commission on Environmental Law, the United Nations Environment Programme, the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment, the International Association of Judges, and other partners, with the support of Brazilian judicial institutions. The main objectives of the meeting were to draft and approve the Bylaws of the Institute and to develop an Action Plan for the next two years.
Photos published and used with the permission of the Prof. Nick Bryner.
Arrival of Participants in Brasília (Airport Pickup will be Provided)
Venue: National High Court of Brazil (STJ)
Bus Departs From Hotel to Transport Meeting Participants to the Court
Welcoming Remarks: Justice Antonio Herman Benjamin (National High Court of Brazil – STJ)
Documents for Discussion: Meeting Agenda
Expected Outcome: Approval of the Meeting Agenda
Presentation of the Charter for the Global Judicial Institute for the Environment
Overview of the Charter as Adopted in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, Including an Outline of the Purpose, Objectives, and Activities Envisioned for the GJIE.
Structure of the GJIE
Discussion On Visions For The Structure And Function Of The Gjie. Presentation Of Ideas For Potential "Models" for the GJIE, such as:
Meeting participants will be encouraged to discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of each option, taking into account the need for a governance structure that assures self-governance by the judiciary and contains the necessary safeguards for respecting its independence and integrity: a GJIE for judges and by judges.
Documents for Discussion: Draft Statute for Incorporation of GJIE, GJIE Charter
Expected Outcome: Selection of Model for Legal Personality and Country where GJIE will be Incorporated
GJIE Secretariat
Discussion and approval of a call for “expressions of interest” from potential host institutions or organizations that could support a secretariat for the gjie, on either a temporary or permanent basis. a draft of this document will be circulated to meeting participants, explaining the purpose and objectives of the gjie, and details on the support and structure that the gjie would seek for in a secretariat. once approved, it can be sent to chief justices, national judicial schools, universities, research institutions, international organizations, etc. to solicit expressions of interest.
Documents for Discussion: Draft Call for Expressions of Interest
Expected Outcome: Approval Call for Expressions of Interest, to be sent as soon as possible after the meeting
GJIE Membership
Discussion on various aspects of individual and institutional membership in the GJIE, such as:
Meeting participants will also be encouraged to identify and put forward a process for forming the initial core membership of the gjie, including individuals and judicial institutions.
Documents for Discussion: List of judges participating in GJIE meetings and consultations
Expected Outcome: Approve initial GJIE membership list
Open Dialogue
Dialogue to synthesize meeting participants’ ideas as to the structure, secretariat, and membership of the GJIE. The intent of this discussion is to review the deliberations from the day’s topics, as a framework for the rest of the meeting.
(3 hour drive by bus: luggage brought to STJ by Participants will have been previously loaded on bus)
Venue: [Lodge] Pousada São Bento, Alto Paraíso de Goiás
Governance of the GJIE: Selection of an Interim Governing Council and Judicial Advisory Board
During this session, meeting participants will discuss and approve the formation of two bodies that can move forward the work of the GJIE. the interim governing council, as envisioned in the GJIE charter, would be the initial officers of the institute for a period of two years, responsible for overseeing its incorporation and/or agreeing on a document for inter-organizational cooperation to set the work of the GJIE in motion. in addition, a broader judicial advisory board will be established to provide input, guidance, and support for the activities of the GJIE.
Documents for Discussion: Initial mandate for work of interim governing council and judicial advisory board
Expected Outcome: Approve selection of interim governing council and judicial advisory board
Depart for Site Visit to Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, hosted by the Director of the Park
GJIE Activities and Partnerships
This segment of the meeting is intended as time for discussing GJIE activities and how to integrate the institute’s work with existing initiatives and efforts at engaging the judiciary on environmental issues.
Discussion will highlight recent past events and how those could be enhanced by coordination with the GJIE; upcoming activities related to judicial training, capacity building, etc., that are related to the GJIE’s work and are being planned by one or more GJIE partners; and dialogue on planning new GJIE activities, along the lines of the examples in article iv of the GJIE charter.
Upcoming events for discussion [additional events to be added to this list]:
In addition, the meeting participants can focus on additional opportunities for collaboration with GJIE partners, including national judicial schools, institutes, and academies, the International Association of Judges, EU Forum on Judges for the Environment, Asian Development Bank, IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, Organization of American States, UN Environment, academic institutions, and other relevant organizations.
For example, this could include discussion on updating the un environment judges’ handbook on environmental law; collaborating with the oas on its capacity-building programs; etc
Documents for Discussion: programs for upcoming activities
Expected Outcome: approve plans for upcoming events, collect ideas/priorities for inclusion in future trainings, proposals of activities for consideration by interim governing council
GJIE Funding
Discussion on which aspects of the GJIE’s work need dedicated financial resources, and on possible models for funding, such as:
Application for grants or other resources from international institutions and organizations
Member dues
Support from National Judicial Institutions
Expected Outcome: approval of directives for interim governing council and partners in obtaining funding to support GJIE activities
Coffee Break
Review of Actions and Decisions Taken at the Meeting / Planning for the Next GJIE Meeting
Concluding Remarks
Depart for Site Visit to Chapada Dos Veadeiros National Park
Return to Brasilia
Meeting Agenda
Summary of GJIE Brasília Meetings and Next Steps
Call for Letters of Interest